Rachael Sessler Trinkowsky, Ph.D., CRC, CATIS, CPACC, TVI, COMS

Assistive Technology Visual Impairment Program Coordinator
University of Massachusetts Boston

Assistive Technology Visual Impairment Program Coordinator

Rachael Sessler Trinkowsky, Ph.D., CRC, CATIS, CPACC, is the Assistive Technology Visual Impairment Program Coordinator for the Vision Studies department at the University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass Boston). She is an adjunct at the University of Illinois Chicago in the Assistive Technology program, a strand advisor for ATIA for the Vision & Hearing Technologies Strand, an editorial board member for the Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits Journal, an SME Committee Member for CATIS Certification through ACVREP, and serves in various volunteer roles with the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER).

She holds a B.A. degree in Special Education, a Masters in Health Sciences in Rehabilitation Counseling, as well as an Educational Specialist and Ph.D. from Nova Southeastern University in Computing Technology in Education. Rachael has been working with people who are blind or who have low vision since 1999 in various settings, including the state of Florida Division of Blind Services, the Lighthouse for the Blind of the Palm Beaches, and work as an independent contractor. She has extensive experience in the field of assistive technology for people who are blind, who have low vision or other visual impairments, as well as those who are DeafBlind.